Mediawiki is a wiki software used by wikipedia and this wiki.
Disable anonymous editing
To disable anonymous editing, edit LocalSetting.php. Below the line containing $wgDBpassword, add the following lines:
$wgGroupPermissions['*' ]['edit'] = false; $wgGroupPermissions['*' ]['createpage'] = false; $wgGroupPermissions['*' ]['createtalk'] = false;
These lines disallow creating and editing pages for all groups (*), it remains allowed only for logged-in users.
Allowing pictures
If you are the only editor of a wiki (otherwise security flaws!) and want to allow pictures from all over the web, add the following line to the LocalSettings.php
$wgAllowExternalImages = true;
below the line
require_once( "includes/DefaultSettings.php" );
Allow all html tags
If you are the only editor of a wiki (otherwise security flaws!) and want to allow any html code in your wiki, read and follow
Changing the sidebar
This is done on the application level; just edit Mediawiki:Sidebar.
beautify URL
By default, mediawiki's main page is in http://whatever/index.php/Main_Page. To get rid of "index.php", read and follow
allow searching for short terms
On a default installation of mediawiki you cannot search for words shorter than 4 characters. So a search for "foo" will not yield results. To change this, read and follow allow searching for short terms in mediawiki.
On the application layer:
php maintenance/dumpBackup.php --full >backup.xml
On the database layer, if your database name is wikidb:
mysqldump wikidb >wikidbdump.sql
This describes how to migrate a wiki from one computer to another. It copies the mediawiki software and the content. Let's assume your mediawiki is running on computer earth and you want to have it running on mars.
- copy your mediawiki software
- on mars, delete LocalSettings.php
- call your wiki on mars. You get the opportunity to set up your wiki.
- attention! If you use two mediawiki instances on one host, always use the same passwords for the database use
- on earth, do a backup of your content to backup.xml. Copy it to your local computer.
- log on to the wiki on mars as WikiSysop, choose Special Pages -> Import Pages and upload backup.xml.
- all pages are imported! Look for Main_Page's history, you will find an addtional version containing earth's actual main page.
- you may have to adjust upload_max_filesize in /etc/php5/apache2