Set up a VNC server
vnc allows you to control a computer's display over the network. It consists of a client and a server. The client is the viewer, the server provides the display.
To read on find out your distribution.
To set up a VNC server with Ubuntu open a console and issue
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install tightvncserver
To start it issue the command
To stop it issue the command
sudo killall Xtightvnc
Jack,It was pretty cctelioampd. I tried it before but it did not work, eventually I played around with it and it did work. I wanted something like this for a while. I just wanted to have it as support for my manual. Is too much work in describing how is done, and perhaps it can be done in many ways. Mine is not 100% full proof. Whats interesting about is that Malwarebytes sais that it doesn't work as well, in WINPE. However I tested it. I specifically infected a Virtual Machine with Adware to test the Malwarebytes in WINPE and it did find the infected files. So if you have an infected computer just download the ISO burn it and scan and clean the computer. You can even update the definitions on WinPE if your networking card is detected.It is not cctelioampd for a person that is well versed in customizing WINPE. I created the WINPE with Malwarebytes CD to add value to my Computer Manual, and generate traffic to this website.
- as desktop environment consider XFCE. It is lightweight yet provides a clearly guided user experience. Your .vnc/xstartup could look like this:
#!/bin/sh xfce4-session
To get this working you must install xfce4. You can also install gnome and set .vnc/xstartup to be
#!/bin/sh gnome-session
fonts do not work
Fonts e.g. in nautilus do not work. For CentOs 6:
yum install bitmap-miscfixed-fonts
only black window shown
/etc/init.d/xdm restart