From Linuxintro
Revision as of 08:39, 22 December 2012 by imported>ThorstenStaerk
Here is an example how to visualize vmstat's output using gnuplot.
vmstat 1 10 | grep -v r > vmstat.txt gnuplot -p -e "plot 'vmstat.txt' using 13 title 'CPU user load' with lines, 'vmstat.txt' using 14 title 'CPU system load' with lines, \ 'vmstat.txt' using 15 title 'CPU idle time' with lines, 'vmstat.txt' using 16 title 'CPU IO wait time' with lines"
The result will look like this:
xy diagrams
gnuplot> plot "csv.csv" using ($1+0):($2+0):1 with lines
Output to a file
To save your output as a .png file, add the commands below in bold:
gnuplot -p -e "plot 'datasource.txt' using 4 with lines;set output 'test.png';set terminal png;replot"
If you get an error message like
gnuplot -p -e "plot 'data.txt' with lines" Cannot open load file '-p' line 0: util.c: No such file or directory
You are most probably on an outdated gnuplot version. Version 4.4 differs a lot from 4.2.