Bash is the default shell in most Linuxes, for example in SUSE Linux. If you call it, you get a prompt like this:
tweedleburg:~ #
for a computer named tweedleburg. To start a program, just type its name and Enter, e.g.
tweedleburg:~ # firefox
To find out what shell you are in, echo the SHELL variable, like this:
tweedleburg:~ # echo $SHELL /bin/bash
You can use your shell to execute little programs written in bash. For example, if you have a file myprogram containing the text
#!/bin/bash echo "What is your name " read name echo "Hello $name"
You can execute it and will be greeted by the name you give.
tweedleburg:~ # bash myprogram What is your name Thorsten Hello Thorsten tweedleburg:~ #
for loop
for ((i=1; i<6; i++)); do echo $i done
for i in `seq 1 5`; do echo $i; done
foreach file
This does a hexdump operation on all files:
for file in * ; do hexdump $file ${file%.*} ; done
bash completion
Bash completion is configured in all files under /etc/bash_completion.d/. Here is an example.
Konsole prompt
Enter into .bashrc:
export PS1='\[\033]0;\007\]\[\033]30;\u@\h\007\]\u@\h:\w\$ '
There is a history of commands that have most recently been entered. The command history will show them. To stop bash writing a history, use
export HISTFILE=/dev/null