From Linuxintro
(Redirected from Printer)
Set default printer
lpadmin -d name
print several pages on one
psnup -4 | lpr (psnup -2 >
After I set my printer from network to local it did not print any longer. In http://localhost:631 the jobs would just disappear saying they have been processed. I was using SUSE Linux.
So I called kwrite from a console and typed something, then I selected file->print.
On the console I saw an error message:
lp: Error - unable to access "lpr" - No such file or directory
Now calling lpr directly gave me:
# lpr lpr: Error - scheduler not responding.
Googling that I found that someone else had had the same problem and solved it by calling yast2 printer. So I called
yast2 printer
and the first thing that thing told me was that my network print server does not respond any longer and it asked me to agree I will not use it any longer. I agreed, and now printing works again.